Dance Jury
Thodoris Panas
2016 Diploma in the Vaganova technique of the Russian classical dance system with Academic Professor Kalina Bogoeva, Bulgarian Academy of Arts and Sciences 2013 Professional classes at The Place and Pineapple Studios, London
2012 “Master Class Musical Theatre”, Mountview Academy, London
1996 Higher School of Acting Art of Mary Vogiatzi-Tragka
1990 ADVANCED Diploma / (ELEMENTARY) of the Royal Academy of Dancing.
2014 English – Holder of IELTS diploma with a grade of 6.5 from Cambridge
2025 Choreographer in the musical Fame the Musical, directed by Dimitri Malissova -European tour
2024 Choreographer in the revue 20 Year’s Delfinario by Marko Seferli, theater Delfinario, Athens
2024 Choreographer in the musical Fame the Musical, directed by Dimitri Malissova – Christmas Theater – Athens
2023 Choreographer in the revue Shrek the Musical by Marko Seferli, theater Delfinario, Athens
2023 Choreographer in the revue Our Country is a Ship without a Captain by Marko Seferli, theater Delfinario, Athens
2023 Choreographer, Dancer in the film Melina’s dream directed by Michael Nickles and produced by Inkas film
2023 Associate Choreographer in the musical The Phantom of the Opera to music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, directed by Stephen Barlow, choreographer Ewan Jones,
associate director Dimitris Malissovas – Concert Hall, Thessaloniki
2023 Associate Choreographer in the musical The Phantom of the Opera to music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, directed by Stephen Barlow, choreographer Ewan Jones,
associate director Dimitris Malissovas – Christmas Theater, Athens
2022 – 2023 Choreographer in the musical Hello The Musical, music/lyrics by Phoebus, texts/direction by Dimitri Malissova, Rialto Theater, Athens
2022 Choreographer, Dancer in the revue Edo directed by Maki Delaporta, Vergina theater, Thessaloniki
2022 Choreographer, Dancer in the musical “Take me home” – Rock Musical directed by Dimitris Malissova, Athens Concert Hall
2022 Choreographer in the popular operetta Aristophanes’ Ecclesiastes directed by Marianna Kalbaris, libretto/music by Stamatis Kraunakis, a co-production of the
Karolos Koun Art Theater with the National Opera – Central Stage/Stavros Niarchos Hall
2021-2022 Choreographer, Dancer in the musical The Lady Inspection directed by Maki Delaporta, Vembo theater, Athens
2020 Choreographer of the TV series The Cafe of Joy for the TV station ANT1 directed by Haris Roma
2019 Choreographer, Dancer, Musical performer in the revue The Lady
Inspection directed by Maki Delaporta, Vergina theater, Thessaloniki
2019 Choreographer in the popular operetta Ecclesiazusae by Aristophanes directed
by Marianna Kalbaris, libretto/music by Stamatis Kraunakis, a co-production of
the Karolos Koun Art Theater with the National Opera, Athens
2019 Choreographer in the musical performance Commemoration of Smyrna directed by Dimitris Malissova, Herodes Atticus Theater, Athens
2018 – 2019 Choreographer in the play Heartbeat at the Table directed by Lakis Lazopoulos, Ivi Theater, Athens
2018 Choreographer in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical Cats directed by Dimitris Malissova, Greek Cosmos Theater, Athens
2017 Choreographer in the musical Ta Zozounia Dance directed by Amalia Giannikou, Aliki theater, Athens
2017 Choreographer in the television series To Kalo Glykia mou Sympethera directed by Amalia Giannikou on the ANT1 television station
2016 – 2017 Choreographer in Pygmalion’s play My Fair Lady directed by Alexandrou Rigas, Pantheon Theater, Athens
2015 Choreographer in the children’s musical The wasteful monster directed by Christos Hatzipanagiotis, Mikro Pallas theater, Athens
2013 Dancer in Flashmob, Covent Garden, London
2013 Actor in the short film Exile directed by Zac Moss, London
2012 Dancer, Musical Performer in the musical Jungle Book (Disney), Brookside Theatre, London
2012 Role of "Greta" in the play Bent by Martin Sherman, Vault theater, Athens
2012 Choreographer in the film The Eternal Return of Antonis Paraskevas, directed by Elina Psykou, kinesiology
2011 – 2012 Choreographer in the musical Zouzounia – Akadou directed by Amalia Giannikou, Aliki theater, Athens
2011 – 2012 Choreographer in the play Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
directed by Yannis Kakleas (Pedro Aldamovar), Mikro Pallas Theater, Athens
2011 – 2012 Choreographer in the theatrical revue See Greek Children directed by Alexandros Rigas, Lambeti Theater, Athens
2011 – 2012 Choreographer in the Marinella – N. Theodoridou scheme, club Botanikos, Athens
2011 Guest Singer in the play Love and Dream with Mara Thrasyvoulidou and George Markos, Michalis Kakogiannis Foundation, Athens
2010 Lead Dancer and Musical Performer in the musical Marinella – The Musical, Pallas Theater, Athens
2009 – 2010 Choreographer in the musical Mazoo and the Zoo directed by Amalia Giannikou, Aliki theater, Athens
2009 Lead Dancer, Singer in the Marinella-Parios group, club Diogenis Studio, Athens
2009 Lead Dancer and Musical Performer in the role of ”Hannah” in the musical The Crazy Cage directed by Stamatis Fassoulis, Pallas Theater, Athens
2009 Choreographer in the musical Looking for Rapunzel, Veaki Theater, Athens
2009 Choreographer in the theatrical revue Zoi se logumo directed by Michalis Reppa and Thanasis Papathanasiou, Piraeus Theater 131, Athens
2008 Guest of Teris Argyros in the television series Loofa and Variation of ERT
2007 – 2008 Lead Dancer and Musical Performer in the role of ”German” in the musical Two crazy crazy producers directed by Stamatis Fassoulis, Aliki theater, Athens
2007 Dancer, Singer in the Marinella – Remos group at the club Pyli Axios, Thessaloniki
2007 Musical Performer in the Marinos Academy musical show with George Marinos, Kerameikos Music Stage, Athens
2006 Role of ”Bobby C” in the musical Saturday Night Fever directed by Arlene Phillips, Vembo theater, Athens
2005 Lead Dancer and Vocals with Elena Paparizou for the winning song My Number One, Eurovision Song Contest – Kyiv Ukraine
2004 Musical Performer with Takis Zacharatos at club Medusa, Athens
2004 Lead Dancer and Actor with Marinella in the play Voice from Light directed by Stamatis Fasouli, Athens Concert Hall, Athens
2000 Lead role ”Joseph” in the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat directed and choreographed by Gillian Gregory, Katia Dandoulaki theater, Athens
1999 Participating as Lead Dancer and Singer in Anna Vissi’s world tour
1998 Lead Dancer in the Greek operetta Oi Apachides of Athens, Rex Theater, Athens
1996 – 1998 Dancer, Singer with Anna Vissi clubs Chaos, Ribas, Gazi, Axios Gate, Athens and Thessaloniki
1996 Lead Dancer and Musical Performer in the musical Some Prefer It Hot directed by Kostas Arzoglou, Vembo Theater, Athens
1995 Role of "Baby John" in the musical West Side Story directed by Stamatis Fassoulis, Athinaion Theater, Athens
1995 Lead Dancer in the Review Karagioz Dream directed by Thymios Karakatsanis and music by Stamatis Kraunakis, Delfinario theater, Athens
1995 Lead Dancer, Singer with Marinella, Rex Music Stage, Athens
1994 Lead Dancer and Musical Performer in the Fantastico show hosted by Vicky
Koulianou and Spyros Papadopoulos on the ANT1 TV station
1994 Lead Dancer in the Ciao ANT1 Show with Roula Koromilas
1993-1994 Lead Dancer and Musical Performer in the musical Sweet Charity directed and choreographed by John Sharp at the Vembo and Park theater, Athens
1993 Lead Dancer in the musical Cabaret Story directed by Vangelis Seilinou, Elise Theater, Athens
1993 Role "Aris Niarchos" in the television series Sins of parents directed by Marios Pontikas
1992 Lead Dancer in the revue Hellas in the Oven with Potatoes directed by Stamatis Fassoulis at the Athinaion Theater, Athens
1991 Lead Dancer in the Greko Mascara revue choreographed by Haris Mantafounis, at the Delfinario Theater, Athens
1990 Lead Dancer in the Aresis Dance Group, Athens
Maria-Anna Igoumenidou
Μirsini Katalifou
Η Μυρσίνη Καταλειφού είναι διπλωματούχος καθηγήτρια κλασικού-σύγχρονου χορού,χορογράφος της Ανώτερης Επαγγελματικής και Ερασιτεχνικής Σχολής Χορού “Νίκη Κονταξάκη”.
Είναι πτυχιούχος της επιτροπής “Sociedad De Baile Espanol” στον ισπανικό χορό και Flamengo και συγκεκριμένα με ειδίκευση στην ανάλυση, τεχνική και διδασκαλία:
- Ingreso
- Primer Ano
- Segunto Ano και
- Tercer Ano
Έχει παρακολουθήσει σεμινάρια:
- Μοντέρνου χορού με τον διακεκριμένο καθηγητή – χορογράφο κ. kurt Koegel
- Αφρικανικού χορού με την καθηγήτρια κ. Μαρία Μεντέζ
- Μεθοδολογίας στην Μουσική – Ρυθμική – Κινητική Αγωγή Jagues Dalcroze με την καθηγήτρια κ.Λίλη Αρζιμανόγλου – Μαντζαρλή
- Προσέγγιση στην τεχνική του σώματος μέσω της χορογραφίας και του αυτοσχεδιασμού της κίνησης χορού Butoh με την καθηγήτρια κ. Μαρία Μεντέζ
- Χορογραφίας με την καθηγήτρια κ. Μαρία Γοργία
Έχει παρακολουθήσει επί δέκα έτη στο Ωδείο “Νίκος Σκαλκώτας” μαθήματα θεωρίας, αρμονίας, πιάνου και χρήσης τυμπάνων για την κατανόηση, εμβάθυνση και διάδραση στην σχέση μεταξύ μουσικής και χορού.
Εκπαιδεύτηκε επί 6 έτη στην ενδυνάμωση για την σωστή φυσική κατάσταση του σώματος, πιλάτες και γιόγκα.
Τα τελευταία δώδεκα έτη διδάσκει μοντέρνο και παραδοσιακό χορό στο 17ο και 53ο Δημοτικό Καμινίων και στο 1ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Νέου Φαλήρου.
Από το 2017 διδάσκει κλασσικό (Balleto) και μοντέρνο χορό στις ομάδες κίνησης της ΧΕΝ Νέου Φαλήρου όπου και τον Ιούνιο του 2019 δημιούργησε, χορογράφησε και επιμελήθηκε την παράσταση “Το Μαγεμένο Δάσος” και “Μεταμορφώσεις” στο Θέατρο Κάτω απ’ την Γέφυρα.
Από τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2019 επιμελείται την χορογραφία της παράστασης “Το Μαγικό Φίλτρο” στο Θέατρο Κάτω απ’ την Γέφυρα σε σκηνοθεσία της κ. Κωνσταντίνας Σαραντοπούλου.
Από τον Οκτώβρη του 2024 είναι συνιδιοκτήτρια στην σχολή χορού En pointe, καθηγήτρια και χορογράφος της σχολής. Διδάσκει σε τμήματα αρχαρίων και προχωρημένων κλασικό ( ρωσικό σύστημα Vaganova) σύγχρονο χορό ( τεχνική limon) μοντέρνο χορό , flamenco, παραδοσιακούς χορούς, αυτοσχεδιασμό, σουηδική γυμναστική, Pilates, aerobic.